4 of Wands

The Four of Wands is an exciting card to play. The 4 wands represent a light into the fourth dimension. Some believe space travelers will come to earth from the 4th dimension. What could be a more exciting, more happy event than a visit from extraterrestrials? This calls for a celebration! Think about what it means to witness a visit from outer space! There are approximately 8 billion people on earth and life would change forever for every one of them. That’s okay, celebrate the day nevertheless! Honor the flesh eating cyclopods from Planet Poliminus. Haha. The Four of Wands is generally a promising card to play because it promises a good outcome. So if you have visitors they will be friendly. Celebrate whatever you want! But don’t be obnoxious.

Played in reverse there’s anxiety over the future. Make yourself more agreeable to others if you want to progress in relationships. Maybe you don’t want to fit in. That’s okay. You don’t have to but consider the benefits if you can just get along with others. This card should raise your awareness to your own reaction to events. Self awareness is important if you’re going to be content with other people’s happiness.

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