Xii The Hanged Man

Unsettleing at first, The Hanged Man is a card that illustrates a form of suffering. Hanging by a foot. A horrible implement of torture where you’re trapped and you might have to sacrifice your foot. A huge sacrifice! What do you do? Do you have what it takes to chew through your foot? Let’s allow a moment of silence for all the poor souls faced with that possibility and who have succumbed to such unkindness.

Do not worry, all despair aside, upright, this card really means no suffering. What it reveals is only a man content to be entangled in his own ideologies. Does this sound like you? Or are you completely open minded and accepting of the flow and uncertainty of life.

When played in reverse. The Hanged Man avatar floats to loftier realms. Take a second to flip the card upside down to observe his unconcerned ascent. However, floating is not as satisfying as it seems when attached to one’s fixated perceptions. You must detach from these. Weigh the possibility that past, present, and future are illusions of convenience. Let go of your illusions and transcend suffering.

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